We built a world-class integrated museum management system.

With mNet, you can manage varied museum operations – memberships, tickets, donations, tours, and more – all at one place. When you get to see everything on your screen - the Dashboard - you manage things better and save time.

Effortless Landing Pages, In Just 30 Seconds!

With dMunity, you don't need to worry about choosing templates, writing content, or learning HTML. We've taken care of all that for you.

Efficiently designed
systems for
Museums & Schools.

We design a CRM for museums and non-profits and a Dismissal/After-care management system for schools. Check out our mNet and sNet products below.

Fast, Efficient, and Sustainable.


As a museum, you're probably running an average of 4 different systems to manage your memberships, donations, events and website. With mNet, all of the aspects of running your museum are integrated into 1 consolidated system that is connected to your website.



Our systems are designed to reduce redundancy and manual hours spent in doing operational tasks. We want to have you focus on providing great service to your patrons and education to your students, let us worry about the operational nitty-gritty.



Hosted completely on AWS, our systems are built to scale. As your museum or school grows, the platform grows with it.

Our results




Patron Accounts


User Engagement


Increase in Sales